Pie Chart Design Reference

This reference contains the Report Designer parameters and Report Type options for creating pie chart reports in the Report Designer tool.


Pie Chart Graph Setup Window

Report Designer Parameters

Section Parameter Definition
Report Type Select Pie Chart.
Report Settings Custom Title Enter a title for the report. If you don't enter a title, one will be system generated.
Query Either select the current criteria (your most recently defined search criteria) or select a saved query to extract the data for the report.
Filters Type Optional. Double click an option in the Type drop-down list to filter the results returned by the query.
Field Form Select the section containing the data you want to show as the slices in the chart.
Field Select a coded field or date field to use based on the module/link data section selected in the Form list. Note that you can also select extra fields.
Date Option Where a date field has been selected for Field 1 > Field, choose a date option from the drop-down list. See Report Date Options Reference.

For Additional Options parameters see Additional Options Reference.

Report Type Options

Icon Chart Type Description
Standard Standard view shows the slices as a solid circle.
Exploded Exploded view shows the slices expanded and separated so that it is easy to differentiate among them.

The Exploded view is useful if your chart has multiple small slices that are hard to hover over or select.