Welcome to DatixWeb

Welcome to the DatixWeb Online Help System. Here you can learn how to use DatixWeb, search the content from the navigational panel on the left, and get social.

DatixWeb is a modular patient safety and risk management solution that integrates safety, risk and governance elements to support your overall risk management strategy and to help you reduce risk, improve patient safety, and decrease operational overheads. This is a highly configurable, modular system which means you can tailor it to your organisation's structure and unique requirements. Each module delivers a key element of your overall risk management strategy.

Important: DatixWeb Online Help System includes illustrations, detailed step-by-step instructions, and a number of learning videos to help you master the application quicker. All learning material relates to a standard Datix Deployment Database, which may be different from your organisation's implementation of DatixWeb. Please speak to your administrator if you need assistance relating this Online Help to your customised configuration.

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