Date Option Design Reference for Reports

This reference contains the date options available in the Report Designer tool and their effect on reports.

Report Date Options Window


Date Option Group Records By Format
Day of Week Days of the week. Show day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).
Week Number Week Number. Show week number within the year (1-52).
Week Date Week and Year. Show date of the first day of the week.
Month Month within the calendar year. Show month name as (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept,Oct, Nov, Dec).
Month and Year Month and Year. Show Month and Year (e.g. Jan 2013).
Quarter Quarter within the calendar year. Show quarter within the year (1-4).
Year Year. Show Year e.g. 2013.
Financial Month Month within the financial year. Show month name as (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec).
Financial Quarter Quarter within the financial year. Show Quarter within the financial year value (1-4) but based on the Financial.
Financial Year Financial Year. Show Financial Year e.g. 2013.