Glossary of Terms
Activities that can be assigned to individuals as part of a preventive plan to mitigate future occurrences of incidents.
Codes that function or are involved in historical searches and new records.
active delegation
A delegation record that is currently in place.
A person responsible for configuration and maintenance of the application, and has full access to it.
approval status
Status used to approve or accept a record into the workflow and determine the current status.
audit trail
An electronic, historical sequence of record activity which highlights modifications in data from the time of initial entry.
See also record.
bar chart
A graphical report in which numerical values are represented by the height or length of lines or rectangles of equal width.
See also report.
NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service, now NHS Protect.
child field
In a parent-child hierarchy, this is the field that is filtered dependent on the value selected in the parent field.
See also combo link and parent field.
The initial data entry
form that is used to log a new claim in the
The review form that is
used to move a claim through the workflow in the
combo link
Ability to limit the available options in a child field based on the value selected in the parent field.
See also child field and parent field and field.
complaint chain
A workflow with various stages that is used to assign the current status of complaint.
See also workflow.
The initial data entry
form that is used to log a new complaint record in the
The review form that is
used to log a new complaint record in the
The Care Quality Commission.
crosstab report
A report that shows data in rows and columns with information summarized at the intersection points.
custom report
Built and run from the Report Designer page for each of the available application modules.
A set of reports to provide a user with an overview of records stored throughout the application.
Datix common classification system
The DATIX Common Classification System is a pre-defined taxonomy for adverse events in healthcare. It covers clinical patient safety incidents and non-clinical incidents which affect the health and safety of staff or visitors as well as patients, such as fire, abuse or violence. An alternative to Datix CSS is to use a custom incident classification system based on incident type, category, and sub category.
default value
Value that is automatically displayed when a user opens a new form.
delegated to user
The person who is being delegated to.
delegated from user
The person who is being delegated from
Ability to provide one user with access to the application as another user, including viewing records and receiving email notifications.
delegation not yet active
A delegation record that is pending activation because the date is in the future.
delegation transfer
Ability for a delegated to user to move the delegation record onto another user.
The review form that is
used to move an incident record through the workflow in the
drill down
To investigate a particular field value or analyse a different view of the data.
extra field
Data entry field created by an administrator to capture and store additional information in the application.
See also field and format and field label.
An organised outline that contains the section and fields necessary to input or review anticipated data within a record.
See also field label and record and Glossary of Terms.
Format used to record data in a field or an extra field on a form.
See also extra field and field.
gauge report
Basic outcome measurement tool that can be used to gauge organisation performance by specific criteria.
Parameters that allow you to enable or disable certain functions within the application, or to fine-tune the application to perform in a certain way.
help text
Icon used to display an automatic text box that provides additional information for completing a field that may require further assistance.
See also field.
hide section
The ability to remove the visibility of a particular section from a form.
See also form and Glossary of Terms.
An area indicating where a potential incident may occur.
inactive delegation
A delegation record that has expired because the date is in the past.
introductory text
Text that appears at the top of the form below the title. This text may include form explanations, reminders of certain tasks, information on where to obtain assistance for completing the form and so on.
See also form.
A person included in a specific record to complete a formal inquiry or further review.
See also record.
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
line graph
A graphical report in which lines are made by connected data points which represent sequential changes in the value of a variable quantity.
See also report.
listing page
A list of records meeting a specific search criterion as defined by a user.
listing report
A report that forms a basic list of data based on criterion that has been specified. Listing reports are typically designed by administrators.
See also administrator and report.
maintenance mode
Secure approach used to prevent any users from logging into the application or submitting any records on DIF1 forms. This is used when making changes to the application to prevent having an impact on the work users may currently be completing.
Independent units, such
multi-coded field
A drop-down field that allows selecting more than one value.
See also Glossary of Terms and field.
new action
Allowing a section to appear on a form based on a selection in a previous field.
See also field label and Glossary of Terms.
new field action
Allowing a field to appear on a form base on a selection in a previous field.
See also field.
National Reporting and Learning System.
Sequence in which code descriptions, fields and sections will appear.
See also code and field and Glossary of Terms.
organisational hierarchy
Series of locations that funnel down from the most general to the most specific.
packaged reports
Custom-designed reports containing two main elements: a base report (a report template within which the records/statistics are displayed) and a query (which is used to extract the actual records to appear in the report).
The initial data entry form used to log a new survey in the PALS module.
The review form used to move a survey through the workflow in the PALS module.
A section on the form that displays as an entry on the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the form. Selection of the entries allows to navigate to specific area of the form.
See also form and Glossary of Terms.
parent field
In a parent-child hierarchy, this is the field that provides the values used to filter the child field.
See also child field and combo link.
pareto graph
A graphical report in which a circle is divided into sectors that each represent a section of the whole.
See also report.
pie chart
A graphical report in which a circle is divided into sectors that each represent a section of the whole.
See also report.
A collection of user configuration and access settings assigned to a set of user accounts.
See also user account.
Patient safety incident. Any incident which could have lead to or actually lead to harm for one or more patients.
Information gathered from specific search criteria in a predefined format and saved for imminent use.
See also search.
read only
Data that can be viewed but cannot be modified or recorded.
reference number
Incremental number automatically generated and assigned by the system to each new record upon its submission.
registration request
Process for requesting user access privileges to the application.
See also form.
All data or information stored in the application for a specific object, such as an incident, contact, complaint and so on; typically this information is added through a dedicated data entry form.
See also form.
report designer tool
Allows you to create and run your own reports, and to create packaged reports for various modules.
report display window
Allows you to preview and share your reports.
report designer tool
Allows you to configure custom reports.
revoked delegation
Allows you to configure custom reports.
saved query
After running a search, it is possible to save it so it can be used again.
security group
Precisely determines which records a user can access, the access level a user will have, and whether a notification email will be sent to the user.
See also access level and record and form.
Security Incident Reporting System.
A view of the original DIF1 submission values in read-only format.
statistical process control (SPC) chart
Uses statistical methods to calculate the mean, standard deviation, and range of a set of process data to ensure operation at a level of maximum potential.
A type of field, with up to 128 alphanumeric characters in length.
switch user
Ability for a user to change from their own view of the application to the view of a delegated from user.
system wide codes
Codes that will remain consistent across all modules of the application.
task generator
Facility to automatically assign an action chain to a record.
See also action chains and record.
temporary access to account
Ability for an administrator or user administrator to view the application from any user’s perspective for the current day (effective immediately until midnight).
to do list
Module used to display any task that needs to be completed within any module of the application.
See also module.
traffic lights report
basic bar chart that can be run with only a limited number of fields.
See also bar chart.
user account
A collection of configuration and access settings with an assigned user name and password.
user defined section
New sections that are created and customised by an administrator.
See also administrator and Glossary of Terms.
WHERE clause
A statement that defines the SQL search query. It is used to extract information that meets specific search criteria, and restricts all other data.
See search.
A sequence of pre-defined states a record passes through from its creation to its completion.
See also module.