Datix Common Classification System (CCS)

Datix CCS is a hierarchical classification system for incidents reported with the DatixWeb application. It allows DatixWeb users to search for and identify patterns of incidents that could be investigated at a local level and to take corrective actions where possible. Datix CCS is fully integrated with the NRLS reporting feature (required in England and Wales).

There are currently two versions of Datix CCS:

  • CCS v1. Created by Datix in 2001. This was one of the first classification systems to be provided by any risk management software provider; it introduced a standardised incident classification system for use in the healthcare setting and was utilised by over 250 healthcare organisations world wide. CCS v1 is available for Datix software 7.0 and later.
  • CCS v2. Created by Datix in 2012. CCS v2 incorporates the logic that underpins the World Health Organization Conceptual Framework for the International Classification for Patient Safety (WHO-ICPS; January 2009), as well as numerous user feedback. CCS v2 superseded CCS v1, and is available for DatixWeb 12.2 and later.

DatixWeb 15.0 comes pre-installed with codes for both CCS v1 (referred to as CCS1) and CCS v2. (referred to as CCS2). This guide covers the usage of CCS2 only, and does not provide CCS1 information beyond the basics.


CCS2 supports the tagging feature. This enables DatixWeb administrators to create groups of concepts called tags and then assign these tags to multiple codes values within fields. Using tagging facilitates simpler, more effective searching for incidents that share similar characteristics, and enables application users to locate the exact groups of incident records.

NRLS Mapping

Both CCS1 and CCS2 include a predefined IN05 mapping to the NRLS so that UK users (England and Wales) can submit these incidents to national bodies. By default CCS1 can be used for the NRLS export with dataset 1. You may also upgrade DatixWeb to use CCS1 for the NRLS export with dataset 2. If you wish to upgrade and start reporting to the NRLS with dataset 2, you must contact an NRLS representative, who will guide you through the upgrade process. CCS2 can only be used for the NRLS export with dataset 2. See NRLS Incident Reporting for more information on the NRLS feature.